Have you been looking at getting your ‘colours done’? Wanting to know about the process and whats involved? Come along with me and find out…
This year I have made a conscious decision to spend more time on ME after a rather gruelling 2023. Self care is the number 1 priority. Time to start feeling human again with plenty of rest, relaxation and confidence boosting experiences.
Anna was top of my list! Second was a solo break away in the dales; just me, a bubbling hot tub and some deer (you’ll have to follow me on Instagram for updates on that one). Thirdly cosmetic dentistry but that’s definitely too boring to get a blog post!
I met Anna Spreckley about 18 months ago and was immediately addicted to her zest for life. She is one of the most positive people I have ever met. I urge you to watch just a few of her reels and you’ll understand.
Back then we just met for coffees and ended up at some of the same events together. I was always really intrigued with what she did for a living. If you know me you’ll know I’m not the most fashionable person and tend to lean towards comfort over style but I’m always a little envious of these women who look so put together all the time.

The more we talked and the more I saw her on her social channels, I realised she wasn’t about high end fashion, more about helping women feel good about themselves using what’s already in their wardrobes or with clothes they can afford…it’s not about the labels!
Anyway let me talk you through the colour analysis process, that’s why you’re here right?
After a warm welcome and a quick brew, we got started. Warning..be prepared to look like a child dressing up as a nurse when you first get going. Anna drapes you in white and adds a white headscarf so she can purely concentrate on looking at your skin tone.

Then the drapes come out. This is where you’ll turn from nurse to Joseph and his technicolour dream coat. Using all her knowledge, she used the drapes to determine whether my skin is yellow or blue based.
Yellow base would mean I was either a Spring or Autumn
Blue base therefore would be Summer or Winter
I’ll let you in on a secret... I REALLY wanted to be a winter and I REALLY didn’t want to be an autumn!
After deciding I was yellow based, Anna then drilled down further using the drapes to decide the colours that would make me look naturally heathy and in focus. Did I need warm or cool, blended or clear colours?

So what season did I turn out to be?
Turn out I’m a Spring. Shows how much I know. So that means I’m yellow based needing warm, clear colours.
After Anna had talked me though all my best colours she moved on to make up. I didn’t even know that was part of the service when I booked haha! She uses all Charlotte Tilbury which is my fave and also gives you a discount code…happy days!

I found out I was using a foundation 2 shades too dark and that there are in fact, plenty of lipstick colours that suit me, I just hadn’t had the right direction when it came to choosing them.
Did I spend over a hundred pounds on make up when I got home? Of course I did! but do I know that those colours are the best for my skin tone? YES! and do I now have the confidence to wear lipstick? Double YES!

Did I buy some new clothes too? Absolutely! Did I walk into the shop and know exactly the colours I was looking for? You bet! Am I getting compliments all the time about how well I’m looking? I really am, and although outwardly I find it really awkward, inside I’m doing a little happy dance.
When people have asked about what my colour analysis session was like, I have had nothing but positive things to say. But something that I didn’t think I would be saying is for Mum’s to book their older daughters in. I can honestly say that when Izzy is older I will happily pay for her to go and see Anna.
If I’d have had all this knowledge when I was younger it would have made clothes and make up shopping so much more enjoyable and avoided some terrible make up and fashion mistakes. The only upside is that I’m so old that there no social media evidence!
So hopefully that will answer most of your questions about what its like to go to a colour analysis session. I only have positive things to say about the whole experience and as always if you want to know more you can always contact me through the blog on on Instagram and I’ll be happy to help. Otherwise just head on over to Annaspreckley.style and get yourself booked in 🙂