I was so honoured to be nominated for a Yorkshire Blogger Award 2023 for the second year running. I didn’t win in my Lifestyle category but I was just happy to be nominated if I’m honest! I’m not one who likes being in the limelight, I’m much more at ease behind the screen with my keyboard doing the talking. I also quite like that I don’t fit nicely into a typical category, I’m a jumbled bit of everything to do with Harrogate!

Last year I was nominated in the parenting category which I knew hands down I wouldn’t win as my competitors fitted the bill way more than I did. The fantastic Sam from The Reluctant Explorers took the crown. If you haven’t discovered her yet, you should > The Reluctant Explorers.

I’ve been lucky enough to meet some amazing people through my Instagram and blog, some of whom were also nominated on the night. I got to share a table with them all and it was lovely to be able to catch up on what everyone has been up to.
We all have our own little corner of the internet and it’s so interesting to hear about what they are all working on. I always think that we are so lucky to get on so well, this is a big, scary new world to me and I had envisioned a lot of cliques but (for the most part) blogging in Harrogate is a very supportive community.

The night started with a bit of a disaster; the taxi took us to the wrong hotel! The awards night started at 7pm and we arrived in Morley at a hotel of the same name, bang on seven; the only problem was the driver had used the wrong postcode and we were still 25 minutes away from the actual venue. Traffic in Leeds is terrible so 45 minutes later we arrived.
Luckily the awards weren’t due to start till nine, so once we had speed eaten our starters we were back on track with everyone else.

My friends Ella (@ellashausofcolour) and Luke (@mrlukechristian) won their respective categories and I am super proud of them. Luke’s work with comic relief was an amazing achievement and Ella’s Instagram account just keeps going from strength to strength.
Funny story – Ella and I went out for brunch to celebrate hitting 3000 followers in the same week. She has over
35,000 now! To put that into perspective, I can fill the Harrogate Town stadium with my followers, she can fill Elland Road! (Sorry that’s definitely an analogy for the Yorkshire readers)
As much as I say I was ok with not winning, it’s still nice to come home with something after these awards, so I did help myself to one of the table decorations so I can practice my award speech for next year. Think Joey, Rachel and Phoebe in friends. IYKYK
The night was a huge success and raise a substantial amount for charity as well as celebrating all the upcoming talent in Yorkshire.
So my question is….will it be third time lucky for me?
If you want to know more about myself, Izzy and how the blog started you can read more here.